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Meditation by the sea

Meditation Yoga

Get the Most out of Life

Yoga is a therapy that aims to unite the mind, soul and body. Most yoga styles are derived from hatha yoga, a type of yoga that focuses on the body and breath and aims to develop control the body through poses (or asanas). Hatha represents the two sides of life – the yin and the yang, the dark and the light – and aims to bring these two sides into harmony and balance. All styles of yoga balance the body, mind and spirit but how they do so may differ. Some styles focus on the poses, while others may focus on breathwork, alignment or the flow of movement. Breathing is very important in yoga as the breath signifies your vital energy. In yoga, being able to control your breath can help you to control your body and your mind. No matter which style of yoga you choose there are many classes available and the health benefits are many.



Guidance & Inspiration

Dominic is a passionate Health Coach and Certified Personal Trainer.


I practice a Holistic approach to health and wellness I look at how all areas of your life are connected as we with together we will look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole I work with my  clients to create a happy healthy in a way that is flexible fun and rewarding as we work together you will develop a deeper understanding of the food and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy balance and health 

Therapies: Services
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